
Thursday, May 13, 2010


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Web page

 Web page is an electronic document written using a computer language called HTML. The World Wide Web consists of files called web pages that contain information about person or organization etc. Different web pages are connected through a special link called hyperlink or links. These links are enable the user to jump from one page to another using internet.
Web site

 A web site is a collection of web pages that can be published by an organization or individual. It contains home page and other sub pages. Each web page is designed and updated by an individual or organization.


 Upload refers to copying files or documents or programs or data from users computer to the internet. For example, a user can copy HTML documents to the internet server.


 Download refers to copying files or documents or programs or data from the internet server to the users computer. For example, HTML codes or other programs or data can be copied from the internet to the user’s computer and store in his/her hard disk.

Web browser

 A web browser is a computer program that accesses web pages and display on them on the user’s computer. It is a software that allows user to retrieve, view, and copy information using internet.


 A web page provide information about a place, person, organization or any other objects. Each web page has a unique address, called a Uniform Resource Locator that provides location on the internet. Web browsers uses URL to provided information to the users. Protocol, Server or Domain, Path and Filename are four parts of URL. Example of URL is : http:/

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Brief history of internet

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In 1960s,the Department of Defense of the United States started a project of network to share data and information.This network was called ARPA that stands for Advanced Research Project Agency.The resulting network was called ARPANET.At first ARPANET helped in the development of new protocol known as TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).The goal of this early project was to create a large computer network with multiple paths using telephone lines in order to share resources and exchange data.It was an experiment carried out to see weather networking would be reliable or not and became a huge success.Each university in the country wanted to become a part of it.ARPANET provided the transfer and cBrief history of internetommunication services and gave connected systems access to the networks high-speed data lines.

In the mid 1980s,another federal agency,the National Science Foundation joined the ARPANET after the department of defense dropped its findings.ARPANET and NSF linked five regional areas with super computers NSF net.The NSF net allowed universities and research agencies to link up with its super computers.Using modern technology, it permitted any computer in the system to link up with any computer connected to the system.The link between ARPANET, NSF and other networks was called the internet.The original ARPANET was shut down in 1990,and government funding for NSF net was discontinued in1995. However,commercial internet companies started their services.After the development of WWW(World Wide Web)in1990s, the internet really became popular.with the popularity of the internet variety of information and its uses also grew. Nowadays,the internet can be used for the varieties of tasks.such as mailing, chatting, shopping, education, entertainment etc

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


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The internet can be described as inter connection of several thousands of computer of different types belonging to various networks all over the world.Generally internet is defined as the network of networks all over the world.It is a worldwide collection of networks that links together millions of business,governmental offices,educational institutions and individuals which provides resources that add to the abundance of goods,services and information accessible in the networks.any computer user on the internet can make contact with another computer user on the internet anywhere in the world.The internet is an information superhighway and has logically compressed the world into a cyber village. In the 21st century of our human being there has been developed a lot of things,for example computer,mobile phones,internet etc which have helped us in different ways.Computer has helped us to utilize the misuse of human brain.Due to the help of computer people has invented many things such as invention of virus,artificial satellites etc.virus has been invented in order to run the computer automatically but due to the misuse of virus,they are deleting the useful files and folders from the important documents.Artificial satellites has been launched for forecasting the news,weather and also for military purposes etc.
Internet is the program which helps to develop the company,country,but also the world by providing different kinds of facilities such as shopping,on line jobs,paying the amounts through internet.Internet also provides yahoo messenger and other facilities for sharing the ides,views knowledge etc.internet has proved to be very useful in daily as well as official life.There are many very important services provided by the internet.So,internet can be used for the varieties of task such as mailing,chatting,shopping,education etc.
The internet connects thousands of networks and more than hundreds of millions of users.It is a network of networks with no central authority.This is important feature of internet because no single person or group controls it.However,there are some organizations such as The Internet Society(ISOC),World Wide Web Consortium(W3C),Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF),Internet Architecture Board(IAB),Internet Research Task Force(IRTF)Internet Network Information Center(INIC)Internet Engineering Steering Group(IESG)which are giving directives and guidelines for the proper use of the internet.If we are connecting our computer to the internet we are free not only to use its resources but it allows creating our own resources.Due to its openness billions of people are attracted to the internet and the number of users is increasing day by day.
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