In 1960s,the Department of Defense of the United States started a project of network to share data and information.This network was called ARPA that stands for Advanced Research Project Agency.The resulting network was called ARPANET.At first ARPANET helped in the development of new protocol known as TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).The goal of this early project was to create a large computer network with multiple paths using telephone lines in order to share resources and exchange data.It was an experiment carried out to see weather networking would be reliable or not and became a huge success.Each university in the country wanted to become a part of it.ARPANET provided the transfer and communication services and gave connected systems access to the networks high-speed data lines.
In the mid 1980s,another federal agency,the National Science Foundation joined the ARPANET after the department of defense dropped its findings.ARPANET and NSF linked five regional areas with super computers NSF net.The NSF net allowed universities and research agencies to link up with its super computers.Using modern technology, it permitted any computer in the system to link up with any computer connected to the system.The link between ARPANET, NSF and other networks was called the internet.The original ARPANET was shut down in 1990,and government funding for NSF net was discontinued in1995. However,commercial internet companies started their services.After the development of WWW(World Wide Web)in1990s, the internet really became popular.with the popularity of the internet variety of information and its uses also grew. Nowadays,the internet can be used for the varieties of tasks.such as mailing, chatting, shopping, education, entertainment etc
In the mid 1980s,another federal agency,the National Science Foundation joined the ARPANET after the department of defense dropped its findings.ARPANET and NSF linked five regional areas with super computers NSF net.The NSF net allowed universities and research agencies to link up with its super computers.Using modern technology, it permitted any computer in the system to link up with any computer connected to the system.The link between ARPANET, NSF and other networks was called the internet.The original ARPANET was shut down in 1990,and government funding for NSF net was discontinued in1995. However,commercial internet companies started their services.After the development of WWW(World Wide Web)in1990s, the internet really became popular.with the popularity of the internet variety of information and its uses also grew. Nowadays,the internet can be used for the varieties of tasks.such as mailing, chatting, shopping, education, entertainment etc